Aleister Nacht Hits Close To Home With "True Detective"
Voudon, Satanism, Santeria, and the Marsh Cult
Aleister Nacht returned to his "old stomping grounds" with a blog post entitled "True Detective - Louisiana, Satanism, Devil Worship, Voodoo and Child Sacrifice".
Answering requests from his readers, Aleister opened up about the years he spent in the underbelly of southern Louisiana as a heroin addict. He also reminisced about his experiences as an Acolyte; learning the rituals, spells, and practices of Hoodoo, Satanism and Devil Worship.
Aleister points out a striking contrast in Louisiana; "I grew up and spent the better part of 22 years in southern and northern Louisiana.
One thing I can unequivocally say is the northern and southern parts of the state have only one thing in common; both are in Louisiana."
Inspired by the HBO hit series "True Detective", Aleister describes the "good, the bad and the ugly" of the New Orleans (and rural southern Louisiana) occult society. "There were always rumors of "expirations" surrounding those who operated in the shadows of the Louisiana societal fringe. Those who have experienced "life on the streets" know the best way to avoid becoming alligator bait is to keep the lips pressed tightly together. More than one person paid the ultimate price for asking too many questions."
The topic then turns to the plot of True Detective; human sacrifice including children. "I venture to say the possibilities of child sacrifice are less common, simply by virtue of the ritual or magical operation performed." Nacht adds. He also mentions the rich occult practices such as Voudon (Voodoo), Hoodoo, and Santeria; adding the somewhat shadowy "Marsh Cult" to what he refers to as "...groups who practice maladaptive behavior during blood rituals". [sic erat scriptum]
Since October 2011, Aleister Nacht has churned out monthly installments of blogposts that often cause the hair to rise on the reader's neck but with this blog post, Nacht seems to stop just short of 'buying into' the Satanic Panic of 1980-1990s. While admitting some things in the bayou are "...better left unsaid and left alone", Nacht leaves the reader longing for closure; wanting to see a monster that society can blame for the evil of the world.
Nacht sums up his point of view before closing the post; "One fact remains very true; children are abused and murdered every day around the world. It does not require a coven shouting "Hail Satan". Our society as a whole, does better at harming children than any occult practice or Satanic coven of witches could ever dream of doing!!"
Perhaps Aleister Nacht is correct; some things should remain unsaid; the truth can often be much more frightening, haunting and painful to know.
October 13, 2020
Sheryle Corman
Sheryle Corman is a staff writer for the "Occult Underground"
True Detective - Louisiana, Satanism, Devil Worship, Voodoo and Child Sacrifice
I have been asked by several readers if the HBO series "True Detective" has accurately portrayed Voodoo (Voudon) and Devil Worship in Louisiana. After much thought, I have decided to weigh-in on the subject…….so to speak.
I grew up and spent the better part of 22 years in southern and northern Louisiana. One thing I can unequivocally say is the northern and southern parts have only one thing in common; both are in Louisiana. Almost polar opposites (in my opinion) are these two very different cultures and societies. During my years in New Orleans, I became quite accustomed to and familiar with the practices of Hoodoo, Santería and Voudon. My earliest influences of magic were from Hoodoo and Voodoo practitioners. I learned so much from those who were eager and willing to share. Most of my knowledge of these practices came predominately from African-American women. The practice of Hoodoo and Voodoo are closely related to the study of Satanic Magic and Demonic Rituals; several similarities and common denominators exist.
I suppose you are reading this blog post and really wanting to hear the "nitty-gritty“ of what True Detective is portraying; ritualistic child sacrifice. The fact that True Detective takes many of its elements from actual events and records, adds greatly to its realism and I believe, to its overall impact. Yes, children have been hurt and in some cases, killed during rituals and ceremonies in Louisiana.
In 2012, Louisiana State Police Detectives Rust Cohle and Martin Hart are brought in to revisit a homicide case they worked in 1995. As the inquiry unfolds in present day through separate interrogations, the two former detectives narrate the story of their investigation, reopening unhealed wounds, and drawing into question their supposed solving of a bizarre ritualistic murder in 1995. The timelines braid and converge in 2012 as each man is pulled back into a world they believed they’d left behind. In learning about each other and their killer, it becomes clear that darkness lives on both sides of the law.“
I was instinctively drawn to the first episode because it was filmed in Louisiana. After the first episode, I was hooked. While watching each episode, I could almost smell the stench of stagnant back-water bayous, feel the humidity and sweat running down my face, smell the cafe‘ au lait at Café du Monde and taste the Crawfish Étouffée in New Orleans (pronounced Nawlins). The story is set in rural Louisiana nonetheless, there are countless Familiars for me. I love Louisiana and always look back in time with fondness however, it was not the best of times……Heroin almost killed me! As I said before, Louisiana has had actual cases of child molestation, children used in rituals and child sacrifice. For me, it is not a huge stretch of the imagination to accept True Detective as factual; perhaps even a documentary on ritual sacrifice or the wide-spread, systematic exploitation of those who are at a disadvantage.
I knew people who practiced certain "Satanic Rituals" in the swamps west of New Orleans. For me, they were ‚hardcore‘ and over the line so I did not pursue a relationship beyond the occasional beer in the Quarter (French Quarter). While I do not know of any specific criminal activities, it would not be difficult to imagine these people being involved in something like Rust and Marty experienced in True Detective. There were always rumors of „expirations“ surrounding those who operated in the shadows of the Louisiana societal fringe. Those who have experienced life on „the street“ know the best way to avoid becoming alligator bait is to keep the lips pressed tightly together. More than one person paid the ultimate price for asking too many questions or ignoring subtle, yet well-articulated advice to "shut-the-fvck-up".
The Satanic Sacrifice of a child and rendering of innocent blood holds special magical attributes for some. To take the life of another would not be difficult for some individuals. Whether you label it Satanism, Paganism, Hoodoo, Voodoo or Politics, all have their share of sociopaths and psychopaths. They believe the use and incorporation of blood, regardless of its source, will make the coven’s magic stronger. In Louisiana, the predominance of Voodoo lends itself to being more of what True Detective is all about. References to Voudon, Marsh Cult (a.k.a. Marsh Mafia), Carcosa, Société Voudon Gnostique and Circir de mardis gras point to groups, circles, cults, covens etc. that may embrace maladaptive behaviors and incorporate them into ritualistic practices. From an aspect of Hoodoo, I would venture to say the possibilities of child sacrifice are less common simply by virtue of the ritual or magical operation.
The commission of illegal acts during rituals is nothing new. The practice has been happening since the beginning of recorded history and perhaps will continue well beyond the time you and I tread upon this dirt ball. One fact remains; children are abused and murdered every day around the world. It does not require a coven nor shouting "Hail Satan". Our society as a whole does better than any coven could dream of doing!! For that reason, I believe the events of True Detective could in fact, happen. The sun will set on the Bayou and tomorrow, the sun will rise. Whatever happens in between is…….“better left unsaid“.
I must admit, I greatly enjoyed the series and was a bit sad after the finale. If you have not watched this series, it is On Demand and is definitely worth the investment of your time. For those who stick their heads in the sand of xtianity, be aware of the reality of the world. Xtians and the established church have perfected the art of ritual human sacrifice better than any occult practitioners.
"Laissez les bons temps rouler…………."
October 2, 2020