Satanic Books by Aleister Nacht
Books By Aleister Nacht
Book of Satanic Ritual Audiobook Exclusively on Patreon
Aleister Nacht releases the Book of Satanic Ritual audiobook on Patreon as an exclusive
benefit for Patreon members only. Aleister Nacht's Patreon is your definitive source of Satanic Magick and knowledge presented in a virtual environment with videos, audio mp3, images, and PDF files packed with information for the beginner or advanced practitioner of Satanic Magic, Rites and Rituals, Astral Projection, Satanic Meditation, and Spell / Curse casting.
The Book of Satanic Ritual is a wonderful addition for Patreon members.
Sample the Book of Satanic Ritual Audiobook
Satanism and Devil Worship: Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas

Satanism is a pathway to cognitive illumination through the application of magical concepts and operations for higher self-awareness, personal knowledge acquisition, spiritual freedom, and individual evolution. Satanic rites and rituals are the methods used by practitioners to ‘bridge the gap’ between the physical world, which is limited to three dimensions, and the spiritual world which is limitless.
Satanism and Devil Worship Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas contains the information necessary for successful physical and metaphysical Satanic Magic. "Satanism and Devil Worship: Magnae Sapientiae Sathanas" contains the information necessary for successful physical and metaphysical Satanic Magic.
Satanism and Devil Worship at Amazon
Satanism and Devil Worship at iBooks
Satanism and Devil Worship Hardcover Edition
Grimoire of Magick
This professionally designed grimoire (writing journal book) is perfect for recording your magical events. Document your rituals, rites, spells, curses, hexes, incantations, invocations, evocations, convocations, lucid dreams, astral nature, energy building and manipulation, Mastema, elemental and ceremonial magick operations for future reference.
The book also contains suggestions by Magus Aleister Nacht of topics to record before, during, and after your magical event. The book also includes a blank table of contents page which you can populate creating an index for reference once you have filled the pages. High quality white paper without lines or background images allow you to write as you wish and include your personal sketches or illustrations without lines on the page. Pages include header (Grimoire of Magick) and footer with sequential roman numerals.
Grimoire of Magick Hardcover Edition
Sanctum of Shadows Volume III: Spiritus Occultus

Many arguments have been presented as undeniable truth by established religions. These assertions begin as deductive or inductive, attempting to justify the position based upon a premise and objective evidence. Lacking true and valid conclusions, these assertions quickly become logically fallacious with conclusions devolving into mere assumption supported by dubious authority, distraction, or ad hominem arguments.
"Sanctum of Shadows Volume III Spiritus Occultus" explores these arguments and provides insight for the Satanist.
Sanctum of Shadows Volume III at Amazon
Sanctum of Shadows Volume III at iTunes
Sanctum of Shadows Volume II: Corpus Satanas
Satanic and Demonic manifestation is a shocking and baffling experience. Satanists often call upon Satanic forces which require knowledge, dedication, practice, study and investment on a daily basis in order to master. "Volume II: Corpus Satanas", the second book in the "Sanctum of Shadows" series, explains the interrelationships between Satan and Satanic Demons who exist just beyond, yet regularly transverse, our dimension.
Satanic Magus Aleister Nacht provides names and characteristics of the Demons he calls upon most frequently for effective results. "Sanctum of Shadows Volume II" builds upon the foundation of the first volume; assisting the Satanist to better understand Satan, Demons, Energy and the practice of Satanic Magic. Includes special excerpts from the Satanic grimoire "Silentium In Persona Diaboli", interpreted and explained by Magus Aleister Nacht.
Sanctum of Shadows Volume II at AmazonSanctum of Shadows Volume II at iTunes
Sanctum of Shadows Volume I: The Satanist
Learning how to become a Satanist is as much about learning 'who you are' as it is learning the magical operations, rituals and practices. You must know yourself and your personal limitations."Sanctum of Shadows Volume I: The Satanist" is the first volume of the "Sanctum of Shadows" series. These volumes represent an intellectual guide to Satanic development in preparation for learning the Higher Magic processes.
This volume opens the Satanic Gate and the Satanist's mind; forming the foundation to build upon. This volume also includes very special excerpts from the Satanic Grimoire "Silentium In Persona Diaboli", interpreted and explained in great detail by Magus Aleister Nacht. "Sanctum of Shadows Volume I" is an in-depth analysis of required elements enabling the Satanist to understand, develop, implement and succeed in the study and practice of Satanic Higher Magic.
Sanctum of Shadows Volume I Audiobook
Sanctum of Shadows Volume I at Amazon
Sanctum of Shadows Volume I at iTunes
Santuario de Sombras Volumen I: El Satanista / Sanctum of Shadows Volume I: The Satanist (Spanish Edition)
Aprender a ser un Satanista se trata de tanto de saber Quién Eres, como también de aprender prácticas y ritos mágicos. El primer volumen está escrito como base para toda la colección “Santuario de Sombras”. Dichos volúmenes son una guía para el proceso de desarrollo de la Magia Satánica Superior. Cada volumen se concentra en el análisis profundo de un componente particular que conduce al estudio y practica de la Magia Superior.
El libro que tienes en tus manos tiene verdadero Poder Satánico. Las habilidades y destrezas se te entregarán completamente; te dará enfoque, te dará guía y tal vez progresen en ti muchas ideas productivas. Sin embargo no te dirá como convertirte en mago y realmente no te dirá como convertirte en un Mago Satánico… quizá ese sea el contenido de un libro para el futuro.
Santuario de Sombras Volumen I at Amazon
Book of Satanic Ritual
As the “companion” to the"Book of Satanic Magic", the "Book of Satanic Ritual" goes in-depth to explain ritual and theory behind magical workings.
Written for the serious practitioner of the Satanic Arts, this book reveals the secrets to successful ceremonies and Satanic Rituals in an “easy to understand” format. Celebrated as a follow-up book on the subject, Magus Aleister Nacht guides the reader to logical understanding while allowing them freedom to retain their Satanic individuality during rituals, spells, curses, rites and other practices used by a single practitioner or a Satanic Coven. The "Book of Satanic Ritual" is a must for any serious practitioner of the Sinister Magical Arts.
Book of Satanic Ritual at Amazon
Book of Satanic Ritual at iTunes
Book of Satanic Ritual Hardcover Edition
A Satanic Grimoire
A Satanic Grimoire is a guide to using and interpreting the black arts for seduction, manipulation and one of the few books that deals openly with spirits of darkness. This book covers that forbidden area where sex, black magic and the Devil meet in an unholy and lascivious fusion. Included are essays, poetry and a stunning revisiting of magical workings performed by Magus Nacht himself.
A Satanic Grimoire at Amazon
A Satanic Grimoire at iTunes
Wasted Faith: A Satanic View of Established Religions
Wasted Faith: A Satanic View of Established Religions" examines modern religion for a better understanding of the effects religion has on our world. Churches are selling the “Prosperity Gospel” to worshipers who give their mortgage payments to a religious club, which only serves greedy wants and desires. This book takes an unflinching look at established religions from a Satanic point of view.
Wasted Faith at Amazon
Wasted Faith at iTunes
Magnum Opus - Secrets of the Inner Sanctum
Magnum Opus - Secrets of the Inner Sanctum was Aleister Nacht's first book which explains the new emergence of Satanism in today’s modern culture. Some of the Topics Covered: Overview of Satanism, Satanic Sex Rituals, Black Mass, Satanic Magic.
Magnum Opus at Amazon
Magnum Opus at iTunes
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