The Satanic Black Mass

The Satanic Black Mass

The most infamous age-old Satanic ritual is known as the Black Mass, aka Messe Noir, Mass of Heresy, Mass of the Dead, Mass of Death, Mass of the Nazarene, and the Devil’s Mass.

The Black Mass has developed and evolved over a period of 1200 years and its origin, far from lying in an established Satanic tradition, lies within the rituals and ceremonies of the early Christian church. To many individuals such a ritual appears to be pointless and unnecessary however, the benefits are manifold with some benefits being carnal, material, and spiritual benefits for the practitioners.

The Mass of the Dead is considered by some to be the originator of the Black Mass and, although considerably different from the modern versions of the Black Mass. This variation of the early Christian Mass was performed by a Christian priest accompanied by a female server, with whom he had copulated prior to the ritual. The Mass took place in a disused church, a black triangular host was duly consecrated.

The progression from the Mass of the Dead into the modern Black Mass took a new turn when it was linked to the medieval witches sabbath. Accordingly the inclusion of a horned figure who presided over the ceremony and who came to be associated with the scape-goat came to be one of the central aspects of the Black Mass. The orgy was also then included, something that was most likely derived from the rites of the cults originating in ancient Rome and Greece.

The ritual begins with an invocation to the Prince of Darkness and his host of demons, followed by a renunciation of past allegiances and a dedication to Satan. The ritual progresses through the Satanic Offertory, Canon, and consecration of the host. The Mass is completed with the Repudiation and Denunciation, whereby the power and divinity of Christ and other angelic deities are denied and the power of Satan is invoked and exalted. After this the ceremony is concluded with the wafer which, having been consecrated by the Celebrant, is then thrown to the floor and destroyed. The participants drink from the chalice, receive the Satanic Communion, and the ritual is then declared completed.

The more care you take to find or create the proper environment, the more potent the working itself will be. This is not just because a more elaborate ritual chamber is more exciting and evocative, but also because the very act of preparing it and anticipating the working contributes to the momentum of the working proper.

For Magnum Opus Satanic Coven, rituals are focused on spending time communing with Sathanas. We do not simply want to achieve physical advantages, we express a wish to get closer to Sathanas himself. We regard this as a way of committing ourselves more deeply to the satanic path we have chosen. Rituals such as the Black Mass, draw devil-worshippers into closer communion and direct interaction with the devil Himself. The Black Mass exists in several versions. The Black Mass described from this point onward is specific to the Magnum Opus Satanic Coven.

The black altar cloth should cover the altar platform. The athame, ritual book, bell, thurifer with thurible, candles, candle holders and stands (as desired), candle snuffers, incense holder, musical instruments or devise, book holder or stand, font (bowl), crystals as desired, parchment paper, sigils, etc. are placed on or around the altar platform. The chalice and paten are filled and placed on the altar platform. Assemble the congregation in robes in the Sanctum or preparation area . This should be a solemn assembly to begin meditation and quiet reflection to align the minds of the congregation. The visualization of the objectives and desired outcomes should be the cognitive focus of the congregation.

The Ceremony Begins:

The music chosen begins quietly as the congregation enters the Sanctum reciting the chosen sinister chant. The Celebrant, Deacon, Sub Deacon, and person serving as the altar enter the Sanctum reciting the chant. The person serving as the altar takes the place on the altar platform with their knees at its edge and widely parted. The arms are outstretched at right angles to the body and each hand holds a candleholder with a black candle. The Celebrant stands between the altar's knees.

The Mistress then enters the Sanctum, approaches altar, ringing the bell at total of 9 times, turns to the congregation, and raises hands. The congregation becomes silent as the Mistress makes the sign of the inverted pentagram over the congregation with her left hand, saying:

Mistress: I go down to the altars of Hell. From dark dimensions I call thee forth! By the word of the Prince of Darkness, I give praise to you. My Prince, bringer of enlightenment. I greet you! Ave Sathanas!

Celebrant: To Sathanas, the giver of life, energy, and consciousness. We are illuminated by your trans-dimensional light!

All: Our Father which wert in heaven hallowed be thy name In heaven as it is on Earth. Give us this day our ecstasy And deliver us to evil as well as temptation For we are your kingdom for aeons and aeons.

Celebrant: The four cardinal directions of the compass are invoked with the sword. May Sathanas the all-powerful King of the Earth grant us our desires.

All: King of the Earth, hear us! Open wide the gates of Hell and come forth from the abyss!

Congregation begins the sinister chant as previously chosen quietly.

Celebrant: We believe in one King, Sathanas, who reigns over this Earth, and in one Law which triumphs over all. We believe in one Sanctum, Our Satanic Sanctum, and in one Word which triumphs over all: The Word of ecstasy. And we believe in the Law of the Aeon, Which is sacrifice for that desired. For which we shed no tears since we give praise to our King. And the pleasures that are to come!

The Mistress kisses the Celebrant, then turns to the congregation, saying: May Sathanas be with you.

Deacon and Sub Deacon: Amen . . . Evil from us deliver but . . . Temptation into not us lead and . . . Us against trespass who those forgive we as . . . Trespasses our us forgive and . . . Bread daily our day this us give …Heaven in is it as earth on…Done be will thy...Come kingdom thy…Name thy be hallowed…Heaven in art who... Father our.

Celebrant: Before the almighty Prince of Darkness, and in the presence of all demons of the Pit, and this assembled congregation, we acknowledge and confess our past errors. Renouncing all past allegiances, we proclaim Sathanas-Lucifer rules the earth, and we ratify and renew our promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return His assistance in the successful completion of our endeavors and the fulfillment of our desires. I call upon you, our Satanic Clergy, to bear witness.

Deacon and Sub Deacon: Before the almighty Prince of Darkness, and in the presence of all the demons of the Pit, and this assembled coven, we acknowledge and confess our past errors. Renouncing all past allegiances, we proclaim Sathanas-Lucifer rules the earth, and we ratify and renew our promise to recognize and honor Him in all things, without reservation, desiring in return His manifold assistance in the successful completion of our endeavors and the fulfillment of our desires. We call upon you, our congregation, to receive this pledge in His name.

All: Hail Sathanas!

Celebrant: Introibo ad altare Sathanas. Corpus Sathanas! As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Together this night, we ask Thy unfailing assistance in this particular need. In the unity of unholy fellowship we praise and honor first Thee, Lucifer, Morning Star, and Beelzebub, Lord of Regeneration; then Belial, Prince of the Earth and Angel of Destruction; Leviathan, Beast of the Depths; Abaddon, Angel of the Bottomless Pit; Samael, seducer of Eve, and Asmodeus, Demon of Lust. We call upon the mighty names of Astaroth of the West, Nergal son of Enlil and Ninlil, Behemoth, Belphegor, Adramelech, Zepar, and Raum, and of all the nameless and formless ones, the innumerable Hosts of Hell and all Satanic spirits, by whose assistance may we be strengthened in mind, body, and will.

The celebrant then extends his hands, palms downward, over the altar. The bell is sounded three times.

Therefore, O mighty Lord of Illumination, we ask You to receive and accept this sacrifice, which we offer on behalf of our assembled coven, upon whom You have set Your Sigillum Diaboli, that You may make us prosper under Thy protection, and may cause to go forth at our bidding Thy Legions, for the fulfillment of our desires and the destruction of our enemies.

Congregation: So mote it be! Ave Sathanas!

The Sub Deacon brings forth the chamber pot and presents it to the nun (or Mistress as decided), who has come forward. She lifts her habit and urinates into the font. As she passes water, the Deacon addresses the congregation.

Deacon: She makes the font resound with the tears of her mortification. The waters of her shame become a shower of blessing in the Sanctum of Sathanas, for that which hath been withheld pours forth, and with it, her piety. The great Baphomet shall sustain her, for she is a living fountain of water. As she finishes, the deacon continues. And the Dark Lord shall wipe all tears from her eyes, for He said unto us: It is done! I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give freely unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life. The Sub Deacon removes the font from the nun and holds it before the Celebrant, who dips a wafer into the fluid. Then, the Celebrant turns left to each of the cardinal compass points, shaking the wafer twice at each point. The wafer is then thrown to the floor. The Celebrant takes the athame, turns left to each of the cardinal compass points and says (one sounding of the bell at each direction after recitation):

In the name of Sathanas, we bless thee. In the name of Sathanas, we bless thee. In the name of Sathanas, we bless thee. In the name of Sathanas, we bless thee.

The Celebrant raises another wafer, placing it between the breasts of the altar, and then touching it to the vaginal area. The bell is sounded three times.

The Celebrant replaces the wafer on the paten which rests on the altar platform. Taking the chalice into his hands, he bends low over it and whispers the following. To us, Thy faithful children, O Infernal Lord, who trusts in your boundless power and might, grant that we may be numbered among Thy chosen. It is through you that all gifts come to us; illumination, knowledge, power, and wealth are yours to bestow. Renouncing the spiritual paradise of the weak and lowly, we place our trust in Thee, the Lord of the Flesh, looking to the satisfaction of all our desires, and petitioning of all fulfillments in this realm. We employ the Duty of Mastema and call upon Mare and Rabdos to silence their breath! Ave Lucifuge Rofocale! Ave Malphas! Ave Sathanas!

Deacon and Sub Deacon: So mote it be! Hail Sathanas!

Celebrant: Prompted by the precepts of the earth and the inclinations of the flesh, we make bold to say: Our Father which art in Hell, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom is come, Thy will is done; on earth as it is in Hell! We take this night our rightful due, and trespass not on the path of pain. Lead us into temptation, and deliver us from false piety, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever! Nema!

Deacon and Sub Deacon: So mote it be! Nema!

Celebrant: Deliver us, O Mighty Sathanas, from all past error and delusion, that, having set our feet upon the Path of Darkness and vowed ourselves to Thy service, we may not weaken in our resolve, but with Thy assistance, grow in wisdom and strength.

Deacon and Sub Deacon: So mote it be! Nema!

The celebrant takes another wafer into his hands, extends it before him, and turns to face the assembled company, saying:

Celebrant: Thou, whom, in my capacity of Celebrant, I force, whether thou wilt or not, to descend into this host, to incarnate thyself into this artisan of hoaxes, bandit of homage, robber of affection - hear! Since the day when thou didst issue from the bowels of a false virgin, thou hast failed all thy engagements, broken all thy promises. Centuries have wept awaiting thee, fugitive and mute god! Thou wast to redeem man and thou hast not; thou wast to appear in thy glory, and thou steepest. Go, lie, say to the wretch who appeals to thee, "Hope, be patient, suffer; the hospital of souls will receive thee; Heaven opens to thee." Imposter! Thou knowest well that the Angels, disgusted at thy inertness, abandon thee! Thou wast to be the interpreter of our plaints, the chamberlain of our tears; thou was to convey them to the cosmos and thou hast not done so, for this intercession would disturb thy eternal sleep of happy satiety. Thy wrath upon him, O Sathanas, and rend him that he may know the extent of Thy anger. Call forth Thy legions that they may witness what we do in Thy name. Send forth thy messengers to proclaim this deed, and smite him anew, O Lord of Light, that his angels, cherubim, and seraphim will cower and tremble with fear, prostrating themselves before Thee in respect of Thy power. Send crashing down the gates of Heaven, that the murders of our ancestors may be avenged!

The Celebrant touches the vagina area of the altar, holds the wafer aloft, then throws it to the floor, where it is trampled by himself, Deacon, and Sub Deacon while the bell rings continually. The Celebrant then takes the chalice into his hands, faces the altar, and drinks.

The Celebrant then presents the cup to the altar, who rises to a sitting position and drinks. She reclines after drinking. Then, the Celebrant presents the cup to each of the members of the assemblage, first to the Deacon and Sub Deacon, followed by the others in order of rank and / or seniority in the coven.

In administering the cup to each, the Celebrant recites the following: In nomine Magni Dei Nostri Sathanas. Hail Sathanas!

He then bows before the altar and turns to give the blessing of Sathanas to the congregation, extending his left hand in the Cornu (Sign of the Horns). It is made by raising the index finger and the little finger while turning down the middle fingers and thumb. All assembled face altar and raise arms in the Cornu.

All: Ave, Sathanas! Hail Sathanas!

Celebrant: Let us depart for it is done.

Deacon and Sub Deacon: It is done! So mote it be! Hail Sathanas!

The Celebrant, Deacon, Sub Deacon. and Mistress bow toward the altar, assist her/him to a standing position, turn and depart the chamber while ringing the bell 9 times.

The candles are snuffed as everyone leaves the chamber.

Tags: satanism, satanic black mass, theistic satanism, coven celebrations, satanic magick

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